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Prevent Stroke, Expand to Eat Vegetables and Fruits

 Now it was not unusual to hear there are young people affected by stroke. Actually stroke can be prevented, among others, with more mengasup vegetables to maintain healthy blood vessels.

Most strokes are caused thickening of the walls of the arteries due to cholesterol deposition in fat (plaque). Plaques narrow the blood flow so that blood flow is reduced.

In a recent study revealed a strong association between fiber consumption with cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease and stroke.

Victoria Burley who conducted the study said his research is long-term. He collected 8 studies conducted since 1990 and involving 500,000 participants. They were interviewed about the consumption of fiber and followed their health records for 8-19 years.

The researchers found the risk of stroke can be reduced by 7 percent for every additional 7 grams of fiber consumed per day. In other words they most diligently eating the most fiber lower risk of stroke.

Adding an additional 7 grams of fiber can come from two pieces of whole wheat bread, vegetables or fruits.

Mostly high-fiber food low in calories so it also helps maintain ideal weight remains. Additionally foods that are high in fiber has many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including polyphenols and flavonoids that will make the blood vessels more elastic.

Diligent Eat Bananas Prevent Stroke

A healthy diet shall we live if you want to avoid the various diseases. In this regard, experts recommend us to regularly eat bananas and reduce chips to prevent stroke.

Bananas are rich in potassium fruit. The average banana contains 420 mg. Potassium plays a role in lowering blood pressure. While the chips contain a lot of salt, which can raise blood pressure. That's why the combination of those two things is highly recommended if you do not want to have a stroke.

A study found that people have enough potassium intake stroke risk 24 percent smaller. Yet before the researchers found that consumption of potassium in the elderly can be dangerous because it causes decreased kidney function so it can not eliminate the remnants of blood potassium.

But it is contradicted by a recent study that showed no negative effect of potassium on renal function. The researchers say there is very strong evidence that regular consumption of food sources of potassium are very positive impact for those who suffer from hypertension.

The researchers analyzed 128,000 people to more than 33 times the experiment. They found that people who consume more minerals, for example, often eat bananas, safe for everyone. The recommended daily potassium intake is no more than 3,500 mg.

Another study found that reducing salt intake in four weeks or more can significantly lower blood pressure. In the end it may lower the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Dr.. Clare Walton of the Stroke Association said that a healthy diet is the key to manage the risk of stroke. "High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for stroke. Changing to a healthier diet can keep blood pressure under control," he said.


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